By Margo Vallone
When the new Comedy Ensemble, founded by Jackie Agers and John Herzler, launched its premiere performance of the Big Canoe Medicine Show in May, an over-capacity crowd quickly filled the Veranda with a large number of disappointed folks turned away.
If you were one of those or if you missed the May show, you now have a double chance to tickle your funny bone. The group will be back to entertain you with two performances on Monday, Sept. 25 at 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. in the Mountains View Room of the Clubhouse.
In preparation for the September shows, some of the original comedy sketches parodying life and traditions in Big Canoe have been tweaked a bit, and a few new ones added, including “The Golden Girls Marooned on Lake Petit.” Some of the other short episodes include hilarious portrayals of residents’ visits to various POA offices, what goes on behind the scenes at the Wellness Center, a peek at the Big Canoe Housewives Hiking Club, and the Ensemble’s outrageously funny rendition of “The Dating Game,” north Georgia mountains style!
The 16 short sketches were written mostly by Director Jackie Agers and a group of Big Canoe writers. All of the actors and production and stage assistants are Big Canoe residents, most of whom have had no former theater experience but had great fun discovering some real hidden talents while working and play-acting together. Craig Looney, a founder of the Big Canoe ITG radio station, will be the master of ceremonies for the performances. Expect a few undisclosed “mystery celebrities” to make cameo appearances in some of the sketches!
Seating for each performance is limited to 80, and the admission charge is $10 per person. Registration opens on September 1 and closes on September 22. Space is reserved on a first-come basis, so please reserve quickly. To register please email with your name, phone number, lot number, the show time — 4 p.m. or 7 p.m. — and the names of the people you are making reservations for. Note: Only four persons per lot may be registered. You will receive an email confirming your reservation(s). To secure your seats, place a check (no cash please) in an envelope, payable to Big Canoe Comedy Ensemble in the Comedy Ensemble alpha box at the Postal Facility. You will then receive an email confirming your non-refundable payment. Reservations will close when both
performances are sold out.