Information submitted by Allan and Elaine DeNiro
Rev up your buggies, car buffs! The Big Canoe Car Club has a special April event for you. It’s a car show at a new location – the parking lot at the four-way stop sign in Tate.
The show date is Saturday, April 24 with a rain date of May 1. Cars should roll up at 11 am and owners can show off their rides until 1:30 pm.
Did you note the show runs around lunch time? Folks will be fueled by Sideburners BBQ with a complete menu featuring everything from tacos to stew, from mac ‘n cheese bowls to banana pudding. Quite a feast!
If you plan to attend, RSVP to Elaine DeNiro at so food can be in plentiful supply. Prepayment isn’t necessary, just select and pay for your food that day.
Shine up your hardware and welcome springtime to the mountains. Can car rallies be far behind?
The post Car Club April Car Show in Tate appeared first on Inside the Gates.