Don’t throw ’em out: Donate your Christmas decorations for a good cause

By Beth Herren

Everyone knows that December is the month for holiday cheer and Christmas decorating, not
July. But this is not a typo.

The Big Canoe Chapel Women’s Fellowship is simply planning ahead for a fabulous holiday fundraiser that happens to be in July. So while you are packing up your decorations, please keep us in mind. We will gladly accept all decorations you no longer want to use and store them until July when we have our Christmas in July Sale. And to make it easy for you to participate, we will be accepting your donated items from 10-11 a.m. or 1-2 p.m. every Wednesday in January in the Chapel upper parking lot. You don’t even have to get out of your car!

Remember, all proceeds from all of the Women’s Fellowship’s fundraisers go to local charities helping women and children in need in north Georgia. For more information, please contact either Virginia Brodwater or Maureen Clay at

Open to all women, Big Canoe Chapel Women’s Fellowship is a welcoming community-wide organization whose activities enrich member’s lives and create a legacy of caring and giving in north Georgia. To learn more, please go to or join us on the Big Canoe Chapel Women’s Fellowship Facebook page.

The post Don’t throw ’em out: Donate your Christmas decorations for a good cause appeared first on Inside the Gates.