Hello gourd-geous!

It’s that glorious time of year when vibrant colors flutter through our heads – red, orange, yellow and even rusty brown. Fall is on the horizon and we’re desperate to decorate with crimson passion. Local orchards and Burt’s Pumpkin Patch call to our creative souls, but wait! Those big old pumpkins, gourds and cobs of Indian corn are starred menu offerings for deer, bears, raccoons and anything out there with sharp teeth. Fluffy mums make tasty appetizers for wildlife. They like autumn colors too.

Best to keep “the real” inside to decorate your home and hearth. A trip to Michael’s, Hobby Lobby, Joann’s and even Dollar Tree will fill your outdoor decorating needs quite nicely. The faux plastic, wooden and ceramic autumn decorations look very real, real enough for a curious squirrel to attempt a nibble.

Keep in mind feeding wildlife could get you fined, even if you feed animals unintentionally with decorative gourds and corn. Protecting our wildlife is an important credo in Big Canoe. Do your part. 

Outdoor decorating should be done tastefully as Treena Parish at AECD always preaches. But you already know that, don’t you? If Treena catches a glimpse of an inflatable Snoopy riding The Great Pumpkin in your yard, expect a call from her. 

Enjoy the season and carve out a little fun, but leave all pumpkin guts inside.

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