Wellness Collaborative offers a helping hand

By Donna Dibiaso

The Wellness Collaborative is eager to help residents of Big Canoe in their time of need! We
have a tremendous number of volunteers who are ready to provide assistance when called upon.
Residents should feel fortunate to live in a community with an organization such as the Wellness
Collaborative and should never hesitate to ask for help. We hope everyone who has a need can
take advantage of the services the Wellness Collaborative provides.
We previously mentioned some of the items in which the Wellness Collaborative can provide
assistance. While we will always try to help with any health and welfare needs, there are certain
things we cannot do:

  • Provide 24/7 care – we can refer the resident to outside agencies who can.
  • Accommodate emergency requests – call 911 instead.
  • Lift residents, administer medications or feed them. We will provide meals.
  • Do yard work/home repairs – we will refer these requests to the Chapel.
  • Handle money – if grocery pick up/delivery is a requested service, we ask the resident to
    order and purchase on-line.
  • Act as a concierge service – there are several Big Canoe Facebook pages that can assist
    with this sort of information.
  • Care for animals/pets – we may be able to assist in a very limited way, but requests for
    animal services should be made through other channels such as the BC Neighbor to
    Neighbor Facebook page.

When in doubt, contact our Wellness Collaborative Info Coordinator, Tracy Critchett at
tracy.critchett@gmail.com or 678-462-1324.

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