By Ann Lehr
Leadership Big Canoe was treated to several speakers who gave information about all there is to do in Big Canoe, including all there is to know about trash.
Teri Sawyer is the POA Membership and Community Events Manager. She has the awesome responsibility of meeting newcomers, providing information about the community and informing them of amenities and activities available in the area. In the past, this information was given to large groups of newcomers a few times a year. However, Teri takes a more personal approach. Each new family is greeted in a private meeting where they are given an orientation.
Teri reviews the amenities, clubs and organizations; community rules and regulations are also explained. She also introduces the six big events in Big Canoe each year. While COVID-19 put a damper on things, it’s hoped the six events—Easter Egg Hunt, Fourth of July, Concert on the Green, Oktoberfest, Trunk or Treat and Visits from Santa—can happen this year.
Everyone new to Big Canoe likes information about volunteer opportunities. Sue Merrick recognized there was no one place a resident could go to find where helping hands were needed. A website was developed to identify available volunteer positions.
If you’re looking for a chance to serve others, visit and find volunteer opportunities in Big Canoe as well as the surrounding area. Contact information for each volunteer position is posted.
Shiraz Alikhan spoke about the Well-ness Collaborative. This organization is a 501(c)3 corporation formed in 2013. It was recognized there was a need for an organization to help Big Canoe residents live the best and healthiest life they could. That help includes providing meals to shut-ins, rides to medical services and educating residents about living a healthy, happy life through adopting healthy habits.
Gretchen Huddock finished the February presentation with a talk about recycling and our trash facility. “Talkin’ Trash” was a great hit.
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