October is the final month of the 2022 season for the Big Canoe Women’s Golf Association. As cooler weather draws near, the BCWGA will end the year with some exciting events including the Charity Event on October 3 open to ALL members and non-members with a handicap. The tournament will benefit “The Weekend Snack Program of Pickens County.”
Over 50% of the total student population in Pickens County qualifies for free breakfast and lunch at school during the week. “The Weekend Snack Program” provides meal bags to the schools for the students to take home on Fridays. Volunteers shop, purchase, sort, pack and deliver meal bags to Pickens County schools each week during the school year. Each bag contains 10 to 12 items intended to provide healthy food for the weekend. At the end of the 2021-2022 school year, volunteers were packing more than 600 bags each week. All funds received by the organization are used to purchase food items. This program is a 100% self–supporting volunteer program. We believe the “The Weekend Snack Program of Pickens County” is a charity eminently deserving of our support.
If you missed the registration deadline of Sunday, Sept. 25, donations are gladly accepted at the Pro Shop desk from those who wish to support this worthy organization and please feel free to email Kay Herndon at Kaymherndon@gmail.com to see if last minute space is available.
With a perfect cooler than usual day in September, the BCWGA welcomed a great group of men to the Sadie Hawkins Tournament on Sept. 12. Big Canoe Bucks were awarded to the winners of each flight: Flight One – Laura and Bill Smith, Flight Two – Cynthia and Bob Metzler, Closest to the Pin – Ron Fuller and Don Rolader. On behalf of all the ladies of BCWGA, thank you for participating in this fun afternoon.
The following day another super fun tournament took place when the Learning Ladies joined the BCWGA group for their second scramble of the year. First place winners with a score of 30, six under par were: Elizabeth Thompson, Carol Corbitt, Shelly Day and Amanda Tate. In second place: Marti Conness, Chrisi Shirreffs, Lynn Cates, KC Susko. Third place: Julie Jacob, Nancy Finlay, Heather Luzier, Elizabeth Cochran. And in fourth place: Heidi McClain, Kellie Endres, Carolyn Witt, Denise Koehl. Closet to the pin Debbie Schlette on Choctaw 9 and Susan Rolader on Choctaw 2.
The final year-end schedule includes the following:
BCWGA Championship – 10/10
Bent Tree 9’s – 10/13
Nine, Sip & Snack Partee – 1017
Aces & Graces – 10/24
So don’t waste another day thinking about joining the “funnest” ladies golf group at Big Canoe. We welcome new members all year long to come out and play with us!
The BCWGA is a golfing organization with a 40+ year history. The group is open to any woman, aged 21 and over, who is either a property owner or a golf amenity member in good standing at Big Canoe. Members are afforded the opportunity to play nine or eighteen holes of golf in a relaxed atmosphere while having fun and simultaneously working to improve their skill set and handicap. The establishment of a USGA handicap is required of all members.
Activities and events are designed to promote a better understanding of the rules of golf and to improve pace of play. Members work together to boost confidence on the course and encourage socialization with other women of similar skills. Integrity, respect for each other as well as the game of golf, and a firm sense of fellowship are key principles of the BCWGA.
We also would like invite anyone interested in taking advantage of the best value to learn how to play golf at Big Canoe by signing up for Learning Ladies lessons with Joan Delk, one of Big Canoe’s professional golf instructors. You can also reach out to Cindy Metzler and TyAnne Schmidt, BCWGA Liaisons to the Learning Ladies.
Ladies of all levels of play are welcome to share the spirit and warmth that exemplifies BCWGA – “Ladies who just want to have fun playing golf.” For up to date information, please visit our website regularly, https://bcgc-bcwga.golfgenius.com.
New members are always welcome, no matter their skill level. The contacts for the group are Carolyn Witt (carolyn.witt.cw@gmail.com), BCWGA President, Elise McBryde (elisemcbryde@gmail.com), BCWGA Vice President and Christine Flaherty (christine.flaherty21@gmail.com), BCWGA Treasurer.
The post BCWGA Closes Out the Final Month of the 2022 Season appeared first on Inside the Gates.