Is 2022 the year for a noticeable boost in your overall health?
If so, consider joining the 10-session Beginners Yoga Series, 3:45-4:45 p.m. Wednesdays, January 5-March 9, 2022.
The shorter days and colder weather can be a challenge for our moods, minds and bodies. Using the time-tested, feel-good techniques of yoga, imagine instead of having a brighter, more relaxed, nourished, clear, balanced and joyful sense in your entire being.
The cost is $70 for Wellness Center members or non-members. Space is limited to allow for social distancing. Questions or registration: Elizabeth Devereux
Full schedule (all classes taught by Elizabeth Devereux unless otherwise indicated):
9:30 am Flow & Glow – WC Studio
5 pm Flow & Glow – Zoom
3 pm Align & Refine (moved from 4:30 pm) – WC Studio
3:45 pm Jan. 5 – March 9, Beginners Yoga Series, – WC Studio
5 pm Flow & Glow Yoga – WC Studio
Thursday 9:30 am Align & Refine – Zoom
Beach Yoga on Lake Sconti behind the Canoe Lodge returns early spring 2022.
5pm Hatha Yoga taught by Karen Dobson – WC Studio
The last Saturday of the month Deepening Practices 12 pm – 2 pm – Zoom
Sunday 3 pm Yin – Zoom
No reservation needed. All classes, except Beach Yoga & Beginners Series, are included in the Wellness Center membership. Non-Member drop-ins are welcome. For more information on the classes see the below information.
The guide to yoga at the Wellness Center
“Yoga is not about touching your toes. It is what you learn on the way down.” – Jigar Gor
A guide to get you started practicing yoga:
The Beginners Yoga Series, 3:45 – 4:45 PM Wednesdays, Jan. 5 – March 9 is a great starting place for students who are completely new to yoga, coming back after a long absence, injury or illness, or folks who just prefer a gentle pace. This systematically progressive format includes yoga asanas/poses, breathing and relaxation techniques, allowing students to gracefully establish the foundational techniques and mindset for a safe and fulfilling yoga practice. The 10-week series is $70 for Wellness Center Members or non-members. Updates will appear in the Inside The Gates Inside Your Inbox Thursday newsletter and the Big Canoe Events And Happenings Facebook and Instagram pages.
Align & Refine Tuesdays, 3-4 PM and Thursdays, 9:30-10:30 AM is an ongoing, intermediate level class that reinforces and expands on yogic techniques and is an important stepping stone to the more challenging and intricate Flow & Glow and Hatha classes.
Flow & Glow Mondays, 9:30-10:30 AM & 5-6 PM and Wednesdays 5 PM is an ongoing, dynamic class that fosters optimal strength, length, balance and aliveness for the intelligently aging body. Sessions incorporate advanced breathing techniques.
Hatha Fridays 5-6 PM, taught by certified functional fitness and yoga instructor, Karen Dobson, is a fluid movement power yoga class designed to build strength and flexibility. Power is the mantra.
Yin Yoga Sundays, 3-4 PM emphasizes passive, static postures, held for longer periods of time, with muscles in a relaxed state. This way, the dense connective tissues in and around the muscles and joints are revitalized, hydrated, somewhat stretched and ultimately strengthened. Yin style practice is a complement to all other yoga and meditation practices. *The last Sunday of every month is free for non-members.
Deepening Practices the last Saturday of every month, 12-2 PM, unless rescheduled for a holiday weekend, includes a segment of Kundalini breathing techniques, a segment of Yin style poses, ending with a guided meditation A two-hour practice facilitates a deeper sense of release and relaxation. This inner-landscape immersion is the perfect rejuvenating reset from the demands of modern life.
Beach Yoga, (not available in winter; returning in the spring) at Canoe Lodge Beach on Lake Sconti. Each four-week session is $32, $14 each class drop-in. This invigoration for body, mind, heart and soul is held in four-week segments spring, summer and fall. Pairing yoga with nature can be an incredible experience; the open space invites a connectedness to something much greater, an expansiveness and a freedom that can’t be replicated indoors. A natural, uneven surface like sand enhances the physical benefits of the practice by building the secondary muscles of knees, hips, feet, spine and shoulders and encourages greater focus. Updates will appear in the Inside The Gates Inside Your Inbox Thursday newsletter and the Big Canoe Events And Happenings Facebook and Instagram pages.
All of the yoga classes, except the Beginner’s Yoga Series and Beach Yoga, are included in the Wellness Center membership.
Yoga is an ancient art and science of self-care, a framework for unifying mind-body-heart & soul that reminds us of our inter-connection with all life.
If you need help determining which level is best suited for you or have any other questions, please feel free to contact Elizabeth at
To attend a Zoom class, log into the POA website, go to Amenities>Wellness Center and click on “Online Classes.”
Elizabeth Devereux is a certified yoga instructor at the Wellness Center. She has 26 years of training and work in the field of integrative health and has a private holistic coaching practice in Big Canoe specializing in unconscious pattern release and energy realignment for optimal health, joy and vitality. For more information visit:
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