Clubhouse closed today because of positive COVID-19 test

All employees in POA amenities now required to wear a mask

By Scott Auer, POA General Manager

Due to exposure to an individual who tested positive for COVID-19, the Clubhouse is closed today as its employees are tested in the next few days.

As results come back negative, the Clubhouse will gradually reopen and restore services. To ensure the continued safety of Clubhouse guests and staff, the building is in the process of being sanitized.

We’re sure many of you have questions about the closure and the larger situation as it relates to COVID-19. First of all, we encourage you to go to the CDC site at to get all your COVID-19 questions answered.

Below are some responses aimed to answer any questions you might have:

Q: I recently dined at the Clubhouse. What should I do?
A: The CDC has extensive information and recommendations for both those vaccinated and unvaccinated at

Q: When will the restaurant reopen?
A: As people test negative, they will come back to work and we can gradually restore services. We will provide updates when the restaurant comes back online. Duffer’s will continue food service today and through the weekend from 8 a.m.-4 p.m.

Q: Are there plans to close any of the amenities or cancel any scheduled weekend events?
A: Because there have not been reported instances of any COVID-19 in any of the amenities, all Big Canoe services will continue to operate as scheduled.

Q: Will a new mask mandate go into effect?
A: Yes – all employees in the amenities are now required to wear masks.

Q: Where can concerned Property Owners get tested?
A: From 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 28, Pickens Urgent Care will offer drive-through rapid COVID-19 testing at the Clubhouse lower parking lot for the first 120 individuals concerned about possible COVID-19 exposure. Masks required. People can drive into the single-file line to get tested in their own vehicle. Cost: $100 per person, cash or check; no insurance coverage. Online reservations for tests can be made through Walgreens ( and CVS ( in Jasper and at Good Samaritan in Jasper (706-253-4673).

Q: Will I have to wear a mask?
A: At this time, the POA will not institute a mask mandate for Property Owners or guests.

The POA Board addressed the subject at the Aug. 26 meeting by saying “the policy is that Property Owners are mature, informed individuals who know their general health condition and vaccination status and are fully capable of making decisions in their best interests. It is not a statement that all owners should carry on without restriction in the face of the Delta variant of the COVID-19 but that they as individuals should act responsibly given their risk tolerance.”

If you have any other questions more focused on Big Canoe, you can write to Ask the POA by clicking the “Ask the POA” button that appears at when you log on or by writing to

The post Clubhouse closed today because of positive COVID-19 test appeared first on Inside the Gates.