The Big Canoe Chapel Women’s Fellowship invites all women to a picnic. And not just any picnic! This event, “Come to the Turquoise Table” Picnic, inspired by Kristin Schell’s book, The Turquoise Table is all about “Finding community and connection in your own front yard”, a quote from her book. The premise is to take the time to sit down with neighbors, friends and soon-to-be friends at an ordinary picnic table (turquoise, of course) and connect over a glass of sweet tea. As a consequence of Kristin’s book, turquoise tables have appeared all across America becoming a symbol of hospitality, a safe place to sit down for a few moments of peace and to create a time for honest comfortable connection with others.
On June 3rd plan to join the fun and fellowship at the beautiful Lodge at Old Mill on Cove Rd. Festivities begin at 11:00 am and end at 1:30 pm. Reservations, which begin on April 28th and end on May 21st, can be made on the Women’s Fellowship website, The cost for this event is $15, nonrefundable. Space is limited to the first 100 people, so don’t let this fun opportunity pass by. Admission to the picnic includes a mouth-watering lunch: a Cindy Park’s box lunch which includes chicken salad croissant, vegetable pasta, a bag of chips, two chocolate chip cookies and bottled water. The vegetarian option is a pimento cheese sandwich. The Women’s Fellowship is pleased to provide special entertainment by The Bob’s: a mandolin and guitar duo, popular in the North Georgia area. Members of “The Bobs” are Bob Knysz on mandolin, a Big Canoe resident, and Bob Putnam on guitar from Canton, Georgia.
In addition to a scrumptious and entertaining picnic, guests will be given the opportunity to support the BCCWF Women to Women Ministry. A simple but powerful program, Women to Women provides a friend when a friend is needed most. The loneliness caused by the loss of a spouse or debilitating illness can turn a woman’s once-bright life into dark isolation.
Understanding that the heart of the matter is often a matter of the heart, “Women to Women” ministers to these ladies the old-fashioned way – through a caring relationship. Guests attending the picnic are being asked to bring a small gift to help fill the Women to Women Ministry gift bags, delivered to those in need of comfort. Some ideas include lotion, soaps, hand sanitizer, small candles, an encouraging book or anything that might bring a smile.
Big Canoe Chapel Women’s Fellowship is open to all women in Big Canoe and the surrounding area. For more information visit or check out the new Facebook page: Big Canoe Chapel Women’s Fellowship. Please “like” the page and join the fun. To receive the monthly newsletters follow the steps on the website to become a member. It is easy and there
are no membership fees!
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