Creek 9 is getting there – though it’s not quite ready for visitors

By Lydell Mack

Creek 9 is starting to look like a golf course again. After five months of construction, we’ve gotten used to staring at acres of exposed dirt and heavy equipment rolling around the property. But as of this week, we are 75% complete with sodding and the bulldozers have been decommissioned. Now that the sod has been laid in most areas, the new design changes really stand out and look amazing.

We’ve mowed the fairway lines into the first few holes and now they truly look like a new golf course. Some have commented that the turf looks very brown and suggested that we water it. In order to cut it down to fairway height, we have to take off a lot of grass with the first mowing – hence the off-color appearance.  The Bermuda grass will recover from this temporary discoloration in just one week and will tighten up into a dense canopy of fine turf by next spring’s opening date.

This is the first mowing of new sod on Creek #7.

The greens will be seeded on Aug. 16 and are on schedule for a good grow-in this fall.  After 90 days, they will really start to thicken up and look good as we mow and roll them.

Despite their improving appearance, they are still very young, fragile seedlings that need to be left alone so that they can grow. For this reason, we insist that everyone steer clear of them, including pet owners out to walk their dogs. If you are on the Creek, keep your pet on a leash. And please refrain from chipping and putting golf balls on the new greens until we are open for play and you have checked in with the pro shop. Creek will not be available for play until all of the turf has matured.

To learn more about the process and to see the progress so far head over to

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