Life as pictured in Choctaw Village

By Lou Reiter

Choctaw Village proudly presented its third annual coffee table yearbook. The initial inspiration for documenting life in the Village came from Craig McConnell. The first two books evolved from random shots of Big Canoe life to Choctaw Village living and photographs of Village residents having fun together.
This year Sandra Plevins put her photographic skills to work taking portraits of many of our Village People. Carla Baird and Lou Reiter tagged along with a pointed comment or two and arranged for marketing the finished book. Craig, unfortunately, was saddled with production.
Choctaw Village may be unique in Big Canoe because of its isolated location and close proximity of home sites. However, most Village People think it’s because we have developed a strong sense of community spirit, including such events and groups as First Fridays at the Johnson Fireless Pit, Olympic Challenge, potluck dinners (before COVID-19), an active Facebook page, Manly Men, Choctaw Ladies, book clubs, a meal train to help those in need and the ability to leisurely walk the entire Village while greeting each other, hearing what’s going on and petting a dog or two along the way.

The post Life as pictured in Choctaw Village appeared first on Inside the Gates.