Reflections at 50: Dr. Robert Platt on the Wildflowers of Big Canoe

As mentioned in a previous Reflections at 50 article commemorating Big Canoe’s big anniversary this year, Dr. Robert Platt, a former resident ecologist in our community, had a vested interest in making sure that Big Canoe’s natural environment was preserved. As a result, he would sometimes publish his Nature Notes as a kind of public service announcement to the community.

The linked article is from 1979 and includes his insights and advice for growing wildflowers on one’s property. Just by reading this, one really gets a sense of Dr. Platt’s passion for nature and his ecological expertise. He even recommends residents seek wildflowers from “reputable dealers,” which demonstrates his dedication to ethical gardening.

Dr. Platt’s efforts in Big Canoe’s environmental policy endures. For example, if a resident is interested in planting something, they need to consult this approved plant list, which was drafted with Dr. Platt’s environmental philosophy in mind.

The post Reflections at 50: Dr. Robert Platt on the Wildflowers of Big Canoe appeared first on Inside the Gates.