By Steve Panetta
Thank you to those of you who replied to the recent Wellness Center satisfaction survey sent to the members. We received some valuable information – and below are the projects, purchases and initiatives that are underway.
Free Motion Leg Equipment
There are two pieces of leg equipment that aren’t as popular with a lot of our members as the other machines: the glute/hamstring machine and the quad machine. We would like to keep both of them as they serve a distinct purpose, but because we are tight on space we can’t keep them in addition to the three new pieces that have been ordered. As a result, the hamstring/glute and the quad machines are to be sold. In their place will be a traditional leg press, leg extension and seated leg curl, which have all been ordered.
To view these pieces we have ordered you can go to the Freemotion Fitness website and look for the ES804 Leg Press, the ES801 Leg Extension and the ES803 leg Curl
Deep Cleaning
A commercial cleaning company has been hired to clean the air ducts, ceiling fans, light fixtures and high wall vents – some as high as 15 feet – that the housekeeping department and front desk staff can’t reach. This cleaning will be done quarterly, with additional cleaning if needed. Since a lot of exercise equipment needs to be moved to reach these areas, this cleaning will be completed after hours. The first cleaning was completed on Oct. 16.
The carpeted area under a large portion of the Free Motion strength training pieces has a black mat installed to accommodate the TV coax cables that run about 15 feet from each treadmill to the outlet boxes. Although numerous attempts have been made to adhere the black mat to fit the space and reliably attach to the carpet, it continues to be an ongoing challenge. We have looked into numerous possible solutions including vinyl, rubber and tile flooring. None of them are perfect. The revised plan is to remove the current carpet tiles and black mat, lay a recently discovered, just-purchased flat coax cable and install new carpet tiles back into place. The coax cable is flat enough to not require additional matting and or pose any tripping hazard. The flooring company has been on-site to examine the carpet and is currently looking into carpet availability.
Our goal is simple: to provide the community with a state-of-the-art facility that you love and are proud of, where you can achieve your health and fitness goals in a fun and safe environment.
Thank you for your patience as we try to improve your facility. I know I speak for our entire staff when I say, “We are here to take care of all of you.”
– Steve Panetta, Wellness Activities Director
The post We hear you: the Wellness Center responds to its user satisfaction survey appeared first on Inside the Gates.