Wellness Collaborative Caregiver’s Support Group

By Beth Durban

The Wellness Collaborative is starting a support group in January for anyone who is a caregiver for someone suffering from dementia (Alzheimer’s Disease, Lewy Body Dementia, Vascular Dementia, any form of dementia).  The support group will meet twice a month at the Chapel in room 102 on Fridays from 10:30 a.m. to noon. The first two meetings will be held on January 14 and January 28.

Caregiving can be a very exhausting, frustrating experience. And when you add the lack of support available for people taking care of someone with dementia, life can become very lonely and frightening. Caregivers of people suffering from dementia often find they have no one to talk to because no one understands the daily struggles. Providing a space for all caregivers to gather together creates an environment where the other members of the group are going through something very similar and DO understand what you’re feeling and experiencing on a daily basis. This will be a safe place to express some of the emotions that are difficult to express with others in your life.

The group will be led by Lori Levey, a new resident of Big Canoe.  Lori is a retired Licensed Clinical Social Worker who has ran similar support groups at Emory University for many years, as well as having a private psychotherapy practice.  If you would like more information, please contact Lori at lclevey1@gmail.com

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