Finance Committee seeking candidates

The Finance Committee is seeking qualified candidates for the 2023-2025 term. The position requires substantial business and operational experience, a working knowledge of financial statements, budget analyses, and cash-flow management, the ability to devote the necessary time, and a basic understanding of the Big Canoe governance model. Participation in Leadership Big Canoe is preferred but not required.

The Finance Committee advises the General Manager and POA Board on budget and financial operational matters. New members would serve a three-year term beginning in January 2023. The committee meets monthly in advance of the monthly POA board of directors meeting, and members receive an advance package for study. Members may also be asked to serve on subcommittees from time to time to analyze certain issues or as a liaison to other committees.

Occasionally the committee will meet in special sessions to consider specific items or projects. During the budget review and approval process in late September and early October, the committee will meet more frequently. Members are encouraged and asked to attend monthly POA board meetings as well as Town Halls and other community meetings to stay abreast of current issues. Newly selected members are expected to attend committee meetings prior to the start of their term in a non-voting capacity to observe and learn how the committee operates and to gain an understanding of the assumptions and details of the coming year’s operating and capital budgets.

This is an opportunity to serve your Big Canoe community in an important capacity. If you are interested, submit a background description or resume to Bill Thurber, Committee Membership Chair at

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