Growing Greens Garden Speaker Series kicks off on Tuesday, May 3

With the spring season comes a new opportunity to add color to your garden – or to pick up some helpful hints to help your greenery thrive.

With that in mind, the Big Canoe Community Garden is launching its Growing Greens Garden Speaker Series with “Combining Vegetable Gardening with Pollinator Gardening,” which will be presented by guest Sarah Moran of the Georgia Mountains Master Gardeners (GMMG) at the Canoe Lodge at 11 a.m. Tuesday, May 3.

Sarah, whose area of expertise is in beekeeping, owns with her family a Gainesville farm which has 16 honeybee hives and grows vegetables and fruits to support farm shares for the local community during the summer.

The GMMG comprises master gardeners from Lumpkin and Dawson counties and is dedicated to promoting sound horticultural practices in cooperation with the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service.

This is the first entry in the Big Canoe Community Garden Growing Greens Garden Speaker Series. The next speakers will come on June 25 and July 16 respectively. Details are pending.

Due to limited parking at the Canoe Lodge, please carpool to the event or arrange to be picked up or dropped off.

For more info: or Nicky Sensale at 949-873-3844

The post Growing Greens Garden Speaker Series kicks off on Tuesday, May 3 appeared first on Inside the Gates.